I am an economist at Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
My research interests are in economic growth, innovation and technological change. I also have interests in the use of text as data.
Email: aakash.kalyani@outlook.com. For my CV, click here.
Working Papers:
Prepared for the Journal of Economic Perspectives
We describe application of simple methods from computational linguistics to analyze unstructured corporate texts for economic surveillance.
"The Creativity Decline: Evidence from US Patenting" (April 2024)
Slides Working paper SSRN St Louis Fed Working Paper Creativity by Patent ID (data)
The divergence between increasing patents and falling productivity growth is explained by a decline in patent creativity, as measured by the share of novel technical terminology in patents. A third of the decline in creativity is due to a lack of new inventors.
Quarterly Journal of Economics
NBER WP SSRN Data VoxEu Slides Slides (pdf)
Using textual analysis of patents, job postings, and earnings conference calls, we track the development and diffusion of new technologies. The development of new technologies is highly concentrated geographically. Hiring spreads geographically and across skill levels as technologies mature, this process is slow, taking around 50 years.
Policy articles
Can earnings calls be used to guage labor market tightness? with Mick Dueholm and Serdar Ozkan
Does Worker Scarcity Spur Investment, Automation and Productivity? Evidence from Earnings Calls. with Mick Dueholm and Serdar Ozkan